A video of a wholesome interaction between a bride-to-be and Punjab police officers is going viral on social media. The clip, shared on Instagram by Aanchal Arora, shows her sitting in the back of a car, all set for her haldi ceremony and likely on her way to the venue. But just as festive energy peaks, Punjab police stop her car. However, things take an unexpectedly humorous turn when the officers realise that the woman is heading to her wedding festivities. They decide to let her go in exchange for one thing, which left the bride-to-be and her friends laughing.
The cops waived off the challan in exchange for some laddoos. “Munh mitha karke jaana,” one police officer told the bride. To this, the bride replied, “Laddoo ka dabba pakka”. The cops then congratulated the woman and gave her their blessings, before letting her leave.
Watch the video below:
Since being shared, the video has accumulated more than 3 million views and over 160,000 likes. In the comments section, users praised the officers’ kind and sweet gesture.
“Oye Chotu, Punjab Police now takes wedding gift boxes instead of fines. They were supposed to take a bottle from the guy for the wedding, but these guys took it all,” a user wrote.
“We got this same fine for Rs 1500 at the same place with the same officer for overspeeding,” commented a second user. “Punjab police with a girl:- Pookie. Punjab police with boys:- where is the lathi,” jokingly wrote a third user.
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“We were also once triple riding, and one of us got off near the police. The officer came over and said, ‘You weren’t overtaking me out of fear, right?’ We said, ‘Yes, but please let us go. Today my 10th result is out.’ He asked, ‘How much did you score?’ I replied, ‘85%.’ He said, ‘Wow, amazing! Go, go ahead’,” shared one user.
“If there was some boy in place of this girl, the situation would have been different. Regardless, this was cute,” added another.
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